Moisha’s Last Hurrah


For this week I decided to do one of my best friends Maddy Rotman. I have known Maddy for only two years, but before that I only knew who she was from a far at our dance studio. She was so intimidating to me before I knew her because of the way she carries herself and how everybody loves her so much. But once I really got to know Maddy I understood why everyone loved her. She is one of the most caring, funny, talented, intelligent, beautiful (inside and out) people I know. She is so easy to talk to and is willing to give her help and opinion on anything. She is one of my mentors not only in life but in dance. I thought that she would be a good person to be apart of my blog because I want to share some of her humor and intelligence with all of you.

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disclaimer: this plan is assuming travel time is dismissive

If eye had one day to live ideally, it would be Sunday. I would wake up and watch the sunrise on this lone boulder in the middle of the Mountain Drive meadow. Then, I would go to Torah Study with Rabbi Cohen and my dad. Next, I would spend the entirety of my savings to purchase every gown from Valentino’s S/S 2007 collection so I could switch outfits throughout the day. Next stop – brunch at the Palace of Versailles (close homiez only!!)

*outfit change*

The majority of the afternoon would be spent tracking down and kissing the following people goodbye (not necessarily in this order:) Jemima Kirke, Kelby Pintard, Leonard Cohen, Rihanna, Christo and Jeanne Claude, Woody Allen, Josh Enobakhare, Cassandra Hughes, my dog, *outfit change* Brian Wilson, Lucia Dallett, my English teacher, Bjork, Josh Kass, Bella Hadid, Bill Murray, Josh Tillman, Josh Tillman’s wife, Cameron Crowe, Bernie Sanders, Claire Boucher, *outfit change* and Bella Hadid and Jemima Kirke again.

At sunset, I would dance for at least 2 hours because nothing makes me happier, then I would try my first ever taste of alcohol, shave my head just to see what it looks like, *outfit change* reread my favorite passage from The Brothers Karamazov, recite the sonnet, Remember, by Christina Rossetti to my closest friends and family, and blissfully peace out the world.”


I hope you enjoyed this weeks blog post and let me know down below what people you would want to meet for the first time if you only had one day to live?